Hidden C’s of Common Core (360 pages)


The Hidden Cs of Common Core, published in June of 2014, is the 401 version, giving a more in-depth look at Common Core and the many people and corporations behind the scenes promoting and funding it and who plan to make $billions back when it is fully implemented. They do not want you to know about the hidden C words – such as: “cartel-written, corporation-driven, cash cow, cradle- to-grave data collection, cogs in a global workforce, cookie-cutter design, costly, central-controlled, citizens of the world, and Communist-like.” This book also takes a closer look at the questionable curriculum – pornographic literature that is “common-core aligned or recommended” and gives several examples of the very strange and frustrating math that is being taught. There is a chapter on the data collection, the assessment tests and what they are really testing –“attitudes, belief system, values and dispositions,” and there is a chapter on the chronological history of how we got to where we are in progressive education. Both books recommend actions, one of which is to opt your child out of the assessments, as well as surveys, questionnaires and other methods for collecting data on your child.

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The Hidden Cs of Common Core, published in June of 2014, is the 401 version, giving a more in-depth look at Common Core and the many people and corporations behind the scenes promoting and funding it and who plan to make $billions back when it is fully implemented. They do not want you to know about the hidden C words – such as: “cartel-written, corporation-driven, cash cow, cradle- to-grave data collection, cogs in a global workforce, cookie-cutter design, costly, central-controlled, citizens of the world, and Communist-like.” This book also takes a closer look at the questionable curriculum – pornographic literature that is “common-core aligned or recommended” and gives several examples of the very strange and frustrating math that is being taught. There is a chapter on the data collection, the assessment tests and what they are really testing –“attitudes, belief system, values and dispositions,” and there is a chapter on the chronological history of how we got to where we are in progressive education. Both books recommend actions, one of which is to opt your child out of the assessments, as well as surveys, questionnaires and other methods for collecting data on your child.

More information can be found at Californians United Against Common Core CUACC.org.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 1 in


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